iPhone 4 Poor Reception not Apple's Fault: Survey

Recently, Apple had held the Antennagate press conference to address the iPhone 4 network reception issues. And now a new research report from ChangeWave backs Steve Jobs' claims that iPhone 4's antenna had nothing to do with call drops. As per the survey, 213 new iPhone 4 owners reported lesser call drops compared to iPhone 3GS owners. Now it's being buzzed over the web that iPhone 4 reception issue was kind of a media blowout.

Initial complaints did alarm several potential buyers but there was mixed reaction to it. Now the new research report states that just 5.2 percent of iPhone 4 owners said they had dropped a call. Comparatively, a June 2010 survey of iPhone 3GS owners found that 6.3 percent had experienced dropped calls. Also, the initial consumer satisfaction ratings for iPhone 4 stated that 72 percent of users were 'very satisfied' and 21 percent were 'somewhat satisfied' with the device.

One thing that iPhone 4 owners disliked the most was the requirement to user AT&T network. Next that follows close was the coverage and speeds of 3G networks with AT&T. Doesn't this obviously imply that the users weren't happy with AT&T? However, Apple did some damage control by rolling out free iPhone 4 Bumper program.

Very few users outside U.S. have complained about poor reception issues with the iPhone 4. Like in Australia, Sydney Morning Herald reported no such major outburst of reception issues with early iPhone 4 adopters over there.

India is deemed to see iPhone 4 via Airtel and Vodafone networks in October. We'll have to wait and hear from the initial adopters whether the reception issue is from the network operator's side or something was really wrong with the phone.

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