PS 3 Firmware 3.41 causes HDD Woes

Last weekend, several Sony PlayStation 3 gamers got firmware 3.41 update for their gaming consoles. This update brought minor You May Like option in the PlayStation Store. However, this update also caused a menace amongst users who applied the update and then wanted to update their console HDDs as reported at the official PS3 Updates Forum.

Sony released firmware 3.41 update for PS 3 users and several faced HDD upgrade woes. Disgruntled PS 3 owners bombarded PlayStation 3 Forums over the issue. Apparently, it was discovered that the issue was prevalent amongst only those users who applied the 3.41 firmware update BEFORE upgrading HDDs. Several experienced console crashes.

Examiner reported that Sony's statement noted: "We apologize for any inconvenience you are experiencing with upgrading Internal Hard Disc Drive (for PlayStation3) on your PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. The information available to our Consumer Services Department does not suggest that this is a problem PlayStation owners are likely to experience when upgrading the HDD with 3.41 update. Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) strongly supports the quality of its products and backs them with full confidence. We ask that you update the previous HDD first to see if the update will go through. Then update from the thumb drive that is formatted in FAT 32 and has the 3.41 update downloaded."

Check out a video of the 3.41 update woes.

So far, Sony hasn't announced that it will issue any fixes for the users who applied the upgrade and suffered from HDD-console crash woes. Sony hasn't uttered a word about those facing HDD woes post firmware 3.41 update.


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