iPhone 4 Unlock Available Now

The iPhone Dev Team has announced a new version of its carrier unlock tool ultrasn0w that unlocks even the iPhone 4. With software unlock, the iPhone can be used with any mobile carrier. This unlock option allows you to use any working SIM module (micro-SIM for iPhone 4) with the iPhone device. However, Apple is officially selling unlocked iPhone devices in Canada and Hong Kong

First, the iPhone needs to be jailbroken to install the Cydia package manager which is just like the Apple App Store. Then, you need to add ultransn0w 1.0-1 from the repository from Cydia>Manage>Sources> Add and then type in http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com in the pop up window.

New ultrasn0w 1.0-1 works for following devices with respective basebands:

-iPhone4 baseband 01.59

-3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04

Just in case you don't know, we recently reported that jailbreaking and unlocking mobile phones for "fair use" is now an exception under Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

We anticipate the arrival of iPhone 4 in India in October.

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