Netgear unveils Push2TV Wireless TV Adapter

Netgear has introduced Intel's Wireless Display Technology based new Push2TV wireless media player. This device helps users to wirelessly transmit HD videos from laptop and play them on TV screens. So if you have a movie on your laptop, you can watch it with your family in the living room over HD television. Netgear is yet to announce the availability and pricing details of this product.

The Push2TV PVT-1000 is a portable device that needs to be hooked to your HD TV via HDMI cable or Composite. Then, installing it on your compatible laptop will let you stream photos and videos with HD quality to the larger screen. The only limitation is that it works on Intel based laptop only and so you want be able to use it on your year old or few months old laptop.

At the Consumer Electronics Show 2010, Intel showed its new Wireless Display technology that made use of an adapter to stream content from laptop to TV. Do note that Intel WiDi technology requires Intel Core i7-620M, Core i3 or Core i5 based laptop with 64-bit Windows 7 OS. Also, certain specific modules are required on the laptop to get the Intel WiDi thing working.
Truly, Push2TV is a one step closer to streaming HD content on TV directly from your laptop wirelessly. Let's hope more solutions come out over a period of time. Get more information about Push2TV at website.

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