Android Phones Selling Like Hot Cakes - Schmidt

From being a fringe mobile operating system back in 2008 to a dominant force in the smart phone OS war - Google's Android has certainly come a long way - in a not so long time frame.

Android, which first appeared on a device back in October 2008 when the T-Mobile G1 was launched, is undoubtedly a force to reckon with in the smartphone OS space. While Symbian still manages to hold on to its lead, both iOS and Android are gnawing in to its market share with increasing ferocity with each passing day.

In a latest revelation, Google CEO Eric Schmidt has said that as many as 200,000 Android based devices are being sold each day. He was speaking at the Techonomy conference held at Sacramento California where he also highlighted the fact that Android is now outstripping the growth of even the iOS4.

Schmidt also revealed that just over two months ago, the sales figures were around 100,00 per day. That translates to a 100 percent growth in just over two months. "It looks like Android is not just phenomenal but incredibly phenomenal in its growth rate. God knows how long that will continue," Schmidt said.

Do you think Android will sustain this kind of growth well in to the future and some day, topple Symbian from its coveted pedestal?


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