Apple iPads Hits 1 Million Figure

When it comes to new products (read: gadgets) from Apple, nothing surprises us. This time around, Apple boasts of selling over one million iPads in about 28 days since its introduction on April 3. Compared to that, iPhone took about three months to hit the one million sales mark after it was lauched. Most of these are the Wi-Fi version iPads while the number of 3G version devices sold were few as they were made available just a few days back.

Apple's iPad had been in constant buzz even before it was launched. Being different in terms of hardware and size, hasn't affected its sale. Also, over 12 million apps have been downloaded from the App Store while 1.5 million eBooks have been purchased from the iBook Store.

Last month, Apple updated the Section 3.3.1 in the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement that forces the developers to stop using third party cross platform tools over the iPhone OS SDK to develop apps. Due to that, Apple may face inquiries from Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission for making its platform anti-competitive.

Nevertheless, it looks like Adobe has lost interest in Apple's platform and is now focusing more on Google's Android platform. Apple is claiming to adopt more open technologies for its iPhone OS platform and instead is going for HTML5 standard with video support in Safari browser. Keeping the technological hustle aside, those who're willing to buy the iPad for reading eBooks or watching movies, won't worry much about Flash being there or videos being streamed. We'll wait to see how Apple makes up for iPad demand when it is made available internationally in a month or two.


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